Our Teachers
Alaina Streberger
Why We're Great >

Alaina Streberger fell in love with yoga as a way to supplement competitive running. Finding physical strength was important, but the mental and emotional clarity that yoga has taught her has been life changing. She received her RYT200 through Living Waters Yoga studio two years ago, and recently certified in restorative yoga. She is a senior at Hope College and co-founder of Hope Yoga, a club where all students have the opportunity to attend weekly yoga practice on campus and engage in a holistic community. She invites you to relax and find peace and empowerment on your mat!
Amy Galioto
Why We're Great >

Amy Galioto graduated from PeaceLab Yoga Studio, with her RYT 200 hour teaching certificate, in April 2017. Her classes are alignment based using a wide variety of asanas with propose. Her passion for yoga blossomed while living in Boulder, Colorado. She is driven by all things active and outdoors but she has grown to appreciate and respect the quite peace yoga brings through precise movement and controlled breath. She have been inspired by her teacher, Melanie McQuown of PeaceLab Studio in Grandville, Michigan.
Ginjah Knuth
Why We're Great >

Ginjah Knuth has been a yoga practitioner since 1968 and began teaching in 1974 at a California State Prison where she was employed as a Correctional Counselor. It was also during the 70's that she trained in Shotokan Karate for 6 years. She received her second yoga teacher's certification in 1998 through the Temple of Kriya Yoga and since then has been teaching full time throughout West Michigan. She became a disciple of Kriya Yoga in 2000. She is also a Reiki-Master Teacher and a Shamanic Journeyer and has been involved in these practices since 1992. She has studied various styles of Hatha Yoga and is very concerned that her students develop proper alignment.
Gina Morrow
Why We're Great >

Gina Morrow, RYT 200, attended her first yoga class in 2001 with a friend and she was completely hooked! She soon realized that yoga is so much more than a workout. In 2013 Gina received her RYT 200 certification studying under Michelle Fife, Founder of SEVA Yoga in East Grand Rapids. She starts her classes with some wise words to focus on. She generally has a peak pose in mind when she puts together a class and she loves student suggestions as to what they need on any specific day. She wants her students to find new realizations about themselves and their bodies each and every practice. "Namaste" is one of her favorite words.... it reminds her what her ultimate goal in life is... to honor the light that resides within her students, the same light that resides within her, the light of God's love.
Why We're Great >
Joyce Borst
Why We're Great >

Joyce Borst, CYI, Her gentle and supportive approach leaves you feeling refreshed and revitalized! "I ventured into my first yoga class with Charlie Meyers at Lakeshore Yoga on a Saturday morning, eight years ago. And thus began my physical and spiritual path. It has not been a lightning bolt of energy experience, but a slow steady path to contentment and happiness. Yoga hasn’t built strength in me—it has revealed the strength in me that was already there, awaiting my discovery!" Joyce incorporates Reiki I & II and LaHoChi energy work into her teaching to gently seal in all of your relaxing hard work. She received her certification training for Restorative Yoga from Lisa Bergly, who owns The Spirit of the Lake yoga studio in Minnesota. "I love restorative yoga it has brought much needed calm and peace to my life, quietly and gently."
Joy Jonker
Why We're Great >

Joy Jonker, RYT 500, Joy has been practicing yoga for over 15 years and teaching for 6. She admits to being forever a yoga student. Her continuing education includes being certified to teach Restorative Yoga and Wisdom Warriors (yoga for 50+). She attends yoga workshops whenever possible with teachers Rod Stryker, Douglas Brooks, Darien Rhodes, Christina Sell, Karina Mirsky; and most recently returned from assisting Yogi Aaron in a yoga teacher training in Costa Rica. When not in a yoga pose, she can be found skiing in the dunes or paddle boarding on the lake.
Megan Probst
Why We're Great >

Megan Probst started practicing yoga when she realized she was going stir crazy and needed to add a new form of movement into her life. She quickly fell in love with the practice of power vinyasa and breath work. Initially she laughed at anyone who tried to tell her back then that she should be a teacher, until something shifted during a class she was practicing and suddenly she could no longer deny that teaching was somewhere in her future. Megan completed her 200hr YTT with Stacy Dockins in Fort Worth, Texas and has been enjoying guiding bodies to move and breathe ever since. She is especially fond of the little intricacies of movement and body awareness within a yoga practice as well as the strength your breath can contain and its ability to support movement. Megan also has a special interest in post-partum movement and has completed additional training in that field.
Loraine Griffin

Loraine Griffin, Certified Tai Chi Easy™ Practice Leader, has practiced yoga for over 25 years and has always had an interest and love for many types of wellness producing elements to life. These are not limited to energy movement, meditation, Reiki, reflexology, massage and Tai Ji. To further her knowledge in some of these disciples she attended Tai Chi Easy™ Practice Leader 25 hour training in March of 2018. She received her certification from the Institute of Integral QiGong and Tai Chi sponsored by The Healer Within Foundation. She wants to share these moving meditations using graceful movements and controlled breathing techniques to strengthen your mind body connection, reduce stress and improve circulation.
Tiffanie Van Koevering
Why We're Great >

Tiffanie Van Koevering has been doing yoga for ten years. She first started it as more of a physical practice but fell more in love with it when she discovered the mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits. For a long time she wanted to take a teacher training course, and finally realized her dream of taking a YTT 200 level course this past year. Her teacher training took place in Nepal in the foothills of the Himalayas, where yoga was said to have originated. She attended Rishikul Yogshala, a yoga school with locations around India and Nepal. Her own practice includes fun yet challenging sequencing but allows herself restoration and gentleness as needed. This is reflected in her classes as well. On top of yoga instructor training, she has been a licensed Physical Therapist Assistant since 2015. Movement and healing have always been some of her passions, and physical therapy and yoga are complements of each other. Tiffanie enjoys spending time with her family and friends, cooking, reading, and playing videos games, but is up for almost anything!
Ria Nieboer
Why We're Great >
Ria Nieboer (E-RYT 200, RYT500, YACEP, LMSW, CAADC, ADS) is an embodied movement/yoga practitioner & educator and Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist who finds joy in guiding students in intuitive, mindful, breath-centered, trauma-informed, therapeutic, embodied yoga practice. https://www.yogaalliance.org/TeacherPublicProfile?tid=35182 She has completed specialized training such as Yoga of 12-Step Recovery (Y12SR) and Prison Yoga Project. She is certified by Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy School for PRYT 600, and continues her education towards C- IAYT. Ria is a fully licensed Master's level mental health counselor who specializes in EMDR, attachment, mindfulness, complex trauma, dissociation, compassion fatigue, and care for pastors, counselors, and veterans. Ria owns and operates https://www.wholeheartedcounselingandyoga.com/
Ria would describe herself as "Jeffy's wife, an army mom, a cat mama, and a yogi who worships the Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace". Ria holds a safe space for her clients and students to cultivate mindfulness, compassion, acceptance, surrender, authenticity, vulnerability, transformation, and wholeness.